Italian fishermen caught 242 kilograms of giant catfish, nearly 3 meters long – Italian News – Italian Xinhua Times, Xinhua Media Network


Italian fishermen caught 242 pounds of giant catfish, nearly 3 meters long

2015-02-25 16:26:41 Source: Author: [Large, Medium, Small] Views: 55 times Comments: 0

Fishermen posing with giant catfish

Italian fisherman Frai was fishing in Italy’s Po Delta last week and accidentally caught a giant catfish that was 2.67 meters long and weighed 121 kilograms. It may be the heaviest catfish ever caught in the world.

Catfish is considered the giant among fishes, growing up to 4 meters in length and weighing 394 kilograms. It is very hungry and will devour anything in sight. The heaviest catfish found in the world currently weighs nearly 140 kilograms and is 2.78 meters long.