A Chinese factory worker in Italy was found to be “living together” with dangerous liquids – Italian Chinese – Italian Xinhua Times, Xinhua Media Network


A Chinese factory in Italy was found to have workers “living together” with dangerous liquids

2013-12-11 16:53:55 Source: Author: [Large, Medium, Small] Views: 185 times Comments: 0

Xinhua Times, December 11 According to China News Service, December 11, according to Italy’s “European Chinese News”, an illegal Chinese factory processing shoes for an Italian famous brand company in the Vigevano township of Pavia was discovered by the military police.

The factory is located in two villas, and there are more than a dozen Chinese workers inside. Many workers also have children who are several months old. They work long overtime hours and live in poor living conditions. There are hundreds of liters of liquid in the houses they live in. flammable chemicals. These liquids could have caused a tragedy similar to what happened at the Prado plant. This illegal Chinese factory is located in two villas. The factory owner renovated the rooms in the villa to accommodate the workers and their families.

The military police received a report that there was noise in the two villas at night and conducted a surprise inspection. The factory owners, a couple in their 30s, were initially charged by the police with worker exploitation and illegal building renovation.